Saturday, June 17, 2006

06.17.06, Buh-bye German beer!

Interesting parts of Munich/Germany:
-Cute old men in lederhausen
-The spot where Hitler's statue once stood. All that passed were required to stop and heil. Those that avoided the street instead took "Dodger's Alley," which guards eventually discovered and tried to catch and punish the dodgers. If they were found to be Jewish or have some other controversial connection they could be sent to a concentration camp. Today, in memorial there is a path of gold-painted bricks down Dodger's Alley, but no plaque explaining what it is or why it's there. It's interesting how very little is addressed around town considering the enormity of what occured in Munich, for example the planning of Kristallnacht, or Hitler's first big speech initiating the Nazi party. Today it is illegal to make the heiling motion or draw swastikas in Germany.
-"Buttermilch Aloe Vera" ice cream. What? Are they serious!?
-Bratwursts and beer!!!
-World Cup fans: intense and hilarious
-white asparagus. It looks albino.
-Any weight I may have lost along this trip has found me again in Germany. Damn pretzels.
-The toilet paper is not pink here like it is in France, but the soap almost always is. Gross fact: In the famed Hofbrauhaus they used to have no bathrooms. But they did have gutters underneath the tables ... Remember the comment I made on asparagus? Yeah, Germans eat a lot of that. GROSS.

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