Monday, June 19, 2006

06.17.06 - Dingle bell rock

Driving from Shannon to Dingle was for most an annoying 4-hour trip but a treat for me. I chatted with a friendly Canadian who gave me 2 Canadian pins and talked about everything from Malaysian food to transexuals, and then I got to watch the Irish landscape pass by. SO green and dotted with sheep, horses and cows. We passed by Bogview Hostel, which I am happy to say is not where I'll be sleeping. It's not that bogs are bad, it's just that in Ireland I'm liking the idea of staying somewhere with views of ... not bogs.

I had also hoped for an authentic Irish lunch, but due to the inefficiency of bus schedules I had to settle for a ham, cheese and coleslaw sandwich. Yeah, I thought it strange, too.

They paint their sheep here, which I thought was pretty odd but after thinking about it I've deduced it has something to do with how ready they are for shearing. But the tourist in me gets a little sad when the picturesque white sheep against the backdrop of the lush and stunning green hills of Ireland is now red, white and blue --- even if I am American.

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