Friday, May 08, 2009


Oftentimes the little factoids that could potentially bond us to our online buddies don't come into play because, really, who starts a conversation with "I've got six toes" or "I'm metallophobic (afraid of metal)".

But who knows who might relate to that? Without further ado, I present the #didimention tag.

Here are the "rules" (which you may or may not follow, depending on your level of twetiquette)
1. Be truthful. No "#didimention I am the president of the United States" when that title belongs to one person and one person only: Michelle Obama.
2. Use it, don't abuse it. No one needs to hear 500 things about you daily. Just like any other hashtag, use #didimention to spark conversation -- not the apocolypse -- among your followers/followees.
3. Be funny. Be surprising. Be heartfelt and passionate. But be nice.

Now on with your lives! Get ye back to Twitterville and spread the word!

... btw, I actually did have an irrational fear of metal until I was about 18. #didimention I've been shocked twice by electric fencing?

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