Saturday, February 24, 2007

Children like to throw themselves to the wind...

... but the wind will NOT CATCH YOU, children!!!

At what point in our growing up years do we get the idea that we're kind of on our own? No, seriously. When do we stop trusting that someone will be there to catch us if we literally fall?

I ask because Jack, the beautiful little babe I babysit weekly, has taken to throwing himself down spiral slides. Like, diving with all the force he can muster. I barely have time for a death-defying leap from the playground to the base of the slide to catch him, and as I heave breaths of relief at his survival, Jack is furiously giggling with glee. I do love his lack of trepidation, and I know I can keep him safe, but my lord - do they all do this?

Other funny Jack stories:

-Today he discovered his shadow, which absolutely freaked him out. He tried to run away from it, which, if you have any experience with shadows, doesn't work. It was truly a hilarious thing to watch, and me being the cruel babysitter I am, laughed at him. Soon he realized it was kind of with him against his will, and he would point at it and yell "Stop!" When he started to cry I stepped in ... but I was still laughing inside. The photo to the left is Jack giving his shadow a "What! You want summa THIS?!?" look -- right before the tears came.

-He's recently found excessive use for the word "no." For example:
"Jack, here's some of your favorite cheese!" ----"no."
"Jack, it's time to leave the park now." ------"mmm, no."
"Jack, do you like sitting in your own poo?" ---"no." "So let's get your diaper changed." ---"" {deploy devious look, twist free, run away laughing}

Fine, then. You enjoy that.

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