Friday, September 12, 2008

Houston, we have a Debbie.

I'm not going to make any "Debbie Does Dallas" reference jokes here because it's so old hat and inappropriate. Also because I've already used it here. And on my Facebook status. And in my head, all the time.

What I'm getting at is that I'll be moving to Houston for the next few months to start a new project (through my job, which, yes, I still have and has been paying me for some time now to do nothing. I could write a whole book on that alone but you'd all be so disquieted by the chapter called "Today I Watched a Saved By the Bell Marathon" that I'll save you the pangs of jealousy).

The project is with one of the big wig oil brutes and will involve lots of unnecessary SUV-driving and general gas consumption so as to at least quadruple the size of my carbon footprint, because, you know, everything is bigger in Texas and that's just the way it's gotta be.

Really what I'll be doing is top secret, and of course, super cool (as super cool as SAP databases can get). Honestly, I really am excited to do this and get back into global consulting via conference calls to India. I miss that curry.

1 comment:

KJS said...

Welcome to our world Debbie. You'll soon be using Indian English on a daily basis! It will creep into everything you think about and do.

Have fun!