Wednesday, June 21, 2006

06.20.06 - Cork, where the beer flows like tap water ... if not more

Somebody stole my pants today. It's true. I woke up, and no pants. Gone. I thought that odd, considering everything else was left untouched under my bed. The weird thing is I actually got them back. It's a fun story full of adventure, and I'll share it with you now from the beginning.

8:00 a.m. Wake up. Pants are not where I left them. Concern arises.
8:15 a.m. I go downstairs in my p.j.s to reception to switch out my key card, which we have to do every morning before 10 for security purposes.
"Hi. Um, I would like to switch out my keycard. But I can't offer you my old one, because somebody stole my PANTS this morning."
The hostel manager gives me a strange look and then chuckles and asks what room I'm in.
I tell him, and he tells me the 3 girls that were also in there who left are actually currently down the street eating breakfast at a cafe. He informs me I might be able to catch them if I hurry.
8:17 a.m. Debbie exits Bru Bar Hostel in pajamas and walks down the street in the rain to said breakfast joint. I find who I think might be the girls I'm looking for.
Me: "Um, hello. Were you by chance in room 208 last night?"
Girl 1: yeah ...
Me: You took my pants.
Girl 1: Oh ... those were yours?!
8:20 a.m. Girl 1 tells her friends they all, apparantly together, took my jeans from the room this morning thinking they were the pants of a friend of theirs who lives about 5 minutes away. They had already been to that friend's house to drop them off. What? WHAT?! Confusion remains strong.
8:30 a.m. I walk back to the hostel in rain and p.j.s and get ready/await the re-arrival of my freakin' pants.
8:40 a.m. Pants arrive back at hostel. I go to reception to retrieve them. Hostel manager gives me my pants and says "Next time don't drink so much." Now I'm not denying any charges about drinking too much, but from the very Irishman who kept telling me to be sure to stop back at the bar? Anyways, I have my pants now.

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