Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I done died 'n' gone to heaven


Atlas Shrugged the movie.
The debate on whether this film is a waste of time is heated, between Ayn Rand lovers and haters, delusional lovers and lovers, and haters and idiots (oxymoron, yes?).

I've taken the liberty of paraphrasing pages and pages of debate on the upcoming book-gone-movie:

Between lovers and haters --
Lovers: It's the best book ever. I can't wait to see it with my very own eyes!
Haters: Ayn Rand sucks. She's so arrogant. I LOVE stealing others' creativity and calling it my own - I banish ye to hell, those who would deprave me of that right!
Between delusional lovers and lovers --
DLs: It's the best book ever. FINALLY, everyone will understand and the world will be perfect.
Ls: It's the best book ever. So let's not screw it up by turning it into a movie, where the messages will undoubtedly become convoluted and skewed to fit Hollywood's idea of entertainment. Plus, who's gonna sit through a 3-hour speech?

Between haters and clueless IMDB addicts who feel the need to say something purely to maintain their status as ... IMDB addicts --
Haters: F*** Ayn Rand and her objective stance. I'll eat babies if I WANT TO!
IMDBAs: Angelina Jolie? I'm in! Wait, what's going on? Hey, does anyone want pizza?...

If words could express how excited I am to see this, I would ... use those words. If anything could explain how I would feel if they did a poor job with the screenplay, it would have to be a dead cat named Snuffles.


Al said...

One thing is for certain, i will not be paying to see this movie. Arrrrrr i be looting and plundering Ayn Rand's "intellectual property".

Debbie Thiegs said...

Err, I think you might have the wrong idea about "intellectual property"...

Al said...

Well yes, i was making a joke, and yes it was not funny. But either way, looting and plundering will be done.

Tissy said...

I'm excited, but my hope are not too high with Angelina Jolie attached (though I do think Brad Pitt would make a decent Galt (see Fight Club, where he plays a Galt-esque character.))

Anonymous said...

Haha, Ayn Rand haters, you got to love 'em. LOL

I talk to them all day; of course I don't really pay attention because half the time they say they hate Ayn Rand and the other half they ask me to validate their arguments by saying, quite apprehensively: "right? right? say something damn it!!"

I always keep quiet just to piss 'em off.

Al said...

I think most of us "Ayn Rand Haters" are just trying to figure things out. We are all simply stunned to find out that people actually believe such nonsense.

Anonymous said...


If you want to "find out that people actually believe such nonsense" then read "Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand". Until then, don't write off an entire philosophy based on your "feelings", because that is what it appears you are doing.

Anonymous said...

What does that tripe mean?

Al said...

I understand Ayn Rand's philosophy well, contrary to appearances.

Anonymous said...

I think Rand is hard for one to understand until they have a sound grasp of economic and psychological theory. Understanding a U.S. map also happens to help for reading Atlas Shrugged. I bet it is also difficult to understand if one still reads phonetically like Allain.